Getting started
First steps: getting your security key and developer ID
You'll need to pass along a signature and a developer ID – or "devid" - with every request using HTTP GET. To calculate the signature, you'll need the request, which includes your developer ID, and a key. The key consists of a 128bit GUID.
The key and the request (including developer ID) are used to calculate a signature for every request.
How to register for a key and developer ID
- Send an email to with the following information in the subject line of the email:
"PTV Timetable API – request for key"
- Once we've got your email request, we'll send you a key and a developer ID by return email.
A high volume of requests may result in a delay in providing you with your key and developer ID. We'll try to get it to you as soon as we can.
- We'll also add your email address to our API mailing list so we can keep you informed about the API.
The “APIKeyRequest” email address is only used to send you the key and developer ID and any relevant notifications. To provide feedback on the API check out our [Ed: ?].
PTV does not provide technical support on the API.
Your email address is the only bit of information about you that PTV will hold in its register. You can view PTV's privacy policy at